I will begin by making an introductory remark that although my BMI remains within normal limits, I still should say good-bye to a few kilograms. As it is already known, the value of the index itself is not a problem, however, it indicates a possible problem or health risks.
The problem is not so much widespread among children as it is among adults, nevertheless, if it occurs, then it has more serious consequences and sometimes it also has more serious reasons that should not be ignored.
This issue came up visibly several times last year during the so-called ‘sticky bun debate’. The debate which was in some part informed, in some part amusing and spiced with demagogic objections, and during which the participants did not refrain from using stereotypes. The debate which was positive before the regulation came into force and negative after 1st of September (beginning of the school year in Poland). The Health Minister issued a regulation based on his legislative authority specifying which products can be sold in the shops located within the premises of educational institutions and which meals can be served in school canteens, which has been binding since the beginning of this school year. It should be also noticed that advertising and promotion of the products which are not in the list has been banned, therefore, the regulation has an intermediate educational effect.
It is worth recalling that the regulation met with some objections on the part of the former Minister of Education and fundamental criticism coming from the Minister currently in power.
Nevertheless, in this case the Polish legislator has vested all the legislative power in the hands of the residents of Miodowa Street 15 (the seat of the Ministry of Health) and up till now no changes have emerged on the horizon. So, it seems, health wins?
And here we should stop. As it is expected that the regulation will last the whole school year, it would be a good idea to assess its effectiveness already in May. It is not about media reports in the ‘children continue to buy chips’ sensational style but actual, in-depth studies on the attitude change of teachers, children, parents and local authorities.
Without involving all these groups the regulation will be only halfway to success, and a ridiculed and dead letter in the worst case. To end on a positive note, I would like to draw your attention to the programme that is carried out in my former workplace - at the University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk. One can only regret that in few cities in Poland similar effort was made.
Further reading:
Which strategies to employ to tame childhood obesity epidemic are evidence based - as one of the topics for the future debate and decisions.
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